J Portfolio Pieces

Last week my first article for The Metro was published. I haven’t really been writing any articles since I was the intern news editor for the Projector and writing for The Metro made me realize how much I missed writing and creating pieces for my portfolio. When you get busy with school work, real work, and spending time with friends, and family, some things kind of just get pushed aside. 

I tried something new this week that can be added to my portfolio when I recorded a script and clip for 92.9 KICK FM. I reported about Tammy Homniuk, a homeless woman with two children seeking help from the government so she doesn't have to remain homeless any longer. I then asked James Beddome what he plans to do about the issue of poverty and had a great interview. 

I have never been particularly interested in radio, but this school year I am really getting into it. I still get to interview and write stories, except I get to vocally tell the story. Which is good practice for me since I am not that great of a public speaker. 

So when I find the time, I am going to start expanding my portfolio more. I used to write for the community newspaper, the Spectator a few summers back. The Metro will be great experience but I only get to write five article. So I am going to write for the Uniter, and look into other opportunities where I can write so I can expand my portfolio.


Excellent timing!
Portfolio assignment coming up next week.


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