I see all the time in the news stories about missing and murdered women, and it makes me angry, one missing or murdered woman is too many and it is pretty disgusting how often it actually occurs. I suspect a lot of people think about it, but you don’t see that many people doing anything about.
Not Shelley Cook, she cares and I respect her for starting this project and bringing to light how important of an issue this is.
Shelley Cook was a journalism major in the Creative Communications program at Red River College (just like me). Cook graduated in 2011 and while in school she devoted much of her time to her blog, Missing Manitoba Women, where Cook writes about just that. I knew about this project last year, but the Uniter just published an article about her and her blog, and it made me want to write about it.
Whenever I hear about stories where women go missing, I get emotional about it it. The fact that someone feels that they have the right to just take a woman from the street, or from wherever and do whatever they want to them is unthinkable. No one should stand for that, and women all over should be able to live their lives without fear that someone will harm them.
If you care at all about how many women go missing and are murdered in Manitoba, you should take a look at this blog. Cook says that the reason she chose to create her blog is because she "didn't like the way that many of these women were portrayed in the media." And she "wanted to humanize them and portray them beyond the labels that they have been given."
She's doing a pretty darn good job.
She's doing a pretty darn good job.
Here is a link to Shelley’s Facebook page for her blog.
This is her blog, please check it out. Missing Manitoba Women.
Here is the Uniter article.
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