The first episode of American Idol aired yesterday and I can’t say I was extremely jazzed to watch it, but I anyway. Don’t judge.
The main reason I wanted to watch it was because every year, it proves to be quite a laugh when the terribly singers come up in front of the panel and Simon rips them apart.
I was quite aware that there would be no Simon this year and two new judges, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler.
To my disgust, they weren’t good judges at all. J-Lo couldn’t say anything bad at all, and Tyler sat there, admittedly a tad funny, looking stunned half the time, and the other half shimmying around and throwing in his signature scream every now and then.
Better luck next year Jersey.
Better luck next year Jersey.
I wanted to see auditions like this:
Other things besides American Idol that are not worth my time:
1) Coupons.
2) People telling me that I need to take down my Christmas/Valentine’s Day tree.
3) Buying lamps.
4) Trying on clothes in the dressing room.
5) Movies with Ben Stiller in them.
6) Sam Katz.
7) Returning the clothes I didn’t try on even though they don’t look good at all.
8) Glee.
9) Making homemade bread.
Picking up the books on my living room floor. Face it, they are furniture now.
Picking up the books on my living room floor. Face it, they are furniture now.
What crossed my mind watching the first episode of American Idol:
1) Why do we need any more idols?
2) Why is Steven Tyler doing this? Is he broke?
3) Why is Jennifer Lopez doing this? Is she broke?
4) This show needs some zombies.
5) What does Randy Jackson actually do?
6) J-Lo, just grow a pair and just say something honest (bad) about these brave (awful) singers in front of you.
7) How is this show still on?
8) When is Coronation Street on again?
9) Out of wine.
I have to disagree. I flipped to the show and only stayed because of Steven Tyler. I thought he was absolutely hilarious and so out of it, he almost seemd senile. His pseoud-philosophies were pretty damn funny and his flirting and stuff were good too. Plus, he's enthusiastic as hell, which is more than any judges past or present can say. He got right into it and I enjoyed it.
Duncan, I took the comments down, but will leave number 6. I understand where you are coming from, but I do not wish to support Sam Katz.
Mike, I did say he was a tad funny. His flirting might get old fast.
That terrible audition really is terrible. Just awful. Not doing good things for singers, Queen, or redheads. And redheads really do not need more negative publicity. Stupid South Park.
I like redheads Emily. You are my favourite one.
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