Mayoral Forum, October 6, 2010
Feelings were not taken into consideration earlier this week at a mayoral forum held at Red River College's Princess Street campus, where mayor Sam Katz and candidate Judy Wasylycia-Leis squared off for what seemed like a cat fight. The main issues on the table were crime and community centres; Katz wants for feet on the streets, whereas Wasylycia-Leis wants rehabilitation.
Even with the forum's moderator, CJOB's Richard Cloutier on his side, Katz acted like a teenager who didn't get his way, continually cutting Wasylycia-Leis off and calling her "mom." Even attempting to make her less credible saying she has never been a job. I suppose to a terrible little man like Katz, being a politician and a mom don't really count as jobs. Judy held her composure exceptionally well considering the comments that were being made. At one point Sammy was booed. I was one of the booers. It was rude comments like this one that made me boo him. After talking about her proposal to end the city's budget deficit, Judy said that she has a proposal on the table, and asked Sam what he has done. Sammy barked, "let's talk about reality here, Judy. There's never been a deficit. You're making this up."
At the end of the forum, Katz and Wasylycia-Leis got to ask one another a question. Katz was asked how he would continue to handle the sewage plan. It wasn't entirely clear to me that he gave a sufficient answer; just like many of the answers he provided throughout the two hour forum. What I managed to extract was this, he wants to save money and reveal his plan later. Good plan Sam.
Wasylycia-Leis was asked how she justifies her budget. She calmly said all her receipts were in a box in her garage which made her seem more down to earth to me. Not disorganized like some people were thinking. I thought that Judy was composed and polite while Sam was disruptive and spiteful.
Even with my clear bias towards Judy, it seemed to me that Sam, as rude as was, came out with the most support it.
So what crossed my mind as I watched this ridiculous spectacle?
2) Who would win in a fight between Sammy and Judy. It was determined that Sam would fight dirty and use prison rules.
3) The sun shining in my eyes might be a blessing. It is distracting me from the less-than-civil comments being made in front of me.
4) Want pictures with Sam? Who would ever want to take a picture with him? Not I.
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